Literally: coming from the Edinburgh International Film Festival, where Penny Woolcock is kicking things off with her Making It Possible keynote.
Keynote speaker Penny Woolcock, "We need a system that values real life experiences, and those parents that have them." #MakeItPoss
— Raising Films (@FFFilmmaking) June 22, 2016
Penny Woolcock delivering her Keynote speech for @FFFilmmaking #MakeItPoss #eiffindustry
— EIFF Industry (@eiffindustry) June 22, 2016
As Wendy Mitchell writes in Screen International today:
Parents working in the film industry have “no level playing field” including limited job opportunities, missed work, reduced hours or seniority, and periods of time when they have to leave the industry, according to the “Making It Possible” report.
But we also have solutions. You can read more about what we heard from you, our community – the good, the bad, the brilliant – in the reports, available to download. As Jeanie Finlay and Steven Sheil, directors and co-parents, co-write in the foreword, we can make parenting and filmmaking possible, but:
Neither of us should have to put their career on hold for that to happen, and our daughter should know us both equally.