Project Description
We Need To Talk About Caring
A survey into the scope and scale of caring across the screen industries
This piece of industry research from Raising Films (supported by Carers UK) surveyed people who are working, or who have worked, in the screen industries and who currently have caring responsibilities or have had caring responsibilities in the past.
Raising Films’ We Need to Talk About Caring is the first investigation into carers working in the UK film and TV industries. It aims to query the particular impact that caring responsibilities have on those within the workforce, focusing on those who care for people other than dependent children, in particular partners, relatives or children with specific disabilities.
As with Raising Films’ previous interventions Making It Possible and Raising Our Game the findings in the We Need To Talk About Caring report will be used to inform, educate, inspire and provoke change.
“Carers are not a separate group in society. Any of us might be or become a carer, many without making a conscious choice to do so or even realising that’s what we are. We don’t suddenly lose our professional skills when taking on this additional responsibility – indeed, we may gain greater knowledge and insight – but the world of work too often loses sight of us. Any change to make working practices more accommodating to carers will benefit us all.”
Our findings
The We Need To Talk About Caring survey comprised 58 questions, asking respondents about their age, location, gender and ethnicity and also asking open-ended questions encouraging narrative responses about personal experiences.
82% of respondents stated that the impact of caring on their role in the screen industries has been somewhat or strongly negative.
62% of respondents stated that they received no financial support for their caring responsibilities.
36% of respondents earn under £10,000/year.
49% of respondents said they do not refer to themselves as a carer.
In their 2018 report State of Caring Carers UK stated, ‘It is frequently forgotten or, perhaps worse, taken for granted that the majority of care provided in the UK doesn’t come from the NHS or from care homes. It comes in the form of unpaid care that relatives, friends and neighbours provide.’
Carers UK also cite a pattern of these unpaid carers not identifying with their caring status and therefore not talking about their situation and struggling in silence.
“Juggling work and care is a tricky balancing act for millions of people in the UK, and for carers in the screen sector – who are often working long or unsociable hours – it can be particularly stressful trying to manage both.
The fact that nearly half of carers working in the screen sector said they don’t refer to themselves as a carer suggests there are thousands of people potentially missing out on support and flexibility that could help them manage their work and caring responsibilities.”
Moving forward
Raising Films invites the screen industry to make a commitment to start, or to continue, to address the clear desire from carers working in the screen industry for more awareness, flexibility and support.
These principles are in line with our intersectional values and support of a wider diversity and inclusion agenda.
On the back of our We Need To Talk About Caring research Raising Films commits to the following:
- Launch the Raising Films ribbon. The ribbon will be awarded to acknowledge activity that takes into account the needs of carers (and parents) working in the screen industries.
- Campaign and lobby for screen sector tax breaks for care.
- Support change through creating, signposting and sharing resources.
“This report from Raising Films once again highlights the incredible work they do and is further evidence of their ability to change the creative industries for the better. Balancing caring responsibilities with work is something millions face every day in our country, and there is compelling evidence to suggest that caring responsibility is made more difficult for freelancers and the self-employed – and we’ve got to help these workers. I will be looking carefully at the recommendations in this report and I hope employers and businesses do too.”