//Support and commitment from the industry in response to We Need To Talk About Caring report

Support and commitment from the industry in response to We Need To Talk About Caring report

On the back of our We Need To Talk About Caring report launch we called out for responses and commitments from the wider film and TV industries to acknowledge and support the needs of carer. We are delighted to share some initial responses and thank all the organisations and people below for their support of the work of Raising Films.

From this year the BFI will monitor and measure carer data on monitoring forms with regard to their successful funding applications in order to create a snapshot baseline. The BFI state that in the context of carers, they are actively supporting crew and trainees with caring responsibilities to work on a production/festival/distribution campaign. And that being a carer is something which could go towards passing criteria in the Diversity Standards (sections B and C).

PACT will share the report findings with their members and work with Raising Films to devise the best way of helping to create awareness and disseminate the information, report findings and signposts to their members

Equity commits to work collaboratively with Raising Films and pledge partners to determine creative ways to implement long-term change to the working lives of carers across the screen industries. Specifically working on contracts with the umbrella/partner organisations they work with.

The Film and Television Charity responded to our carers survey report findings with a renewed commitment to ensure that their help line staff are equipped with the best possible information around caring needs and resources, and to ensure that they were signposting to all the right places. They responded to our findings with interest and are committed to expanding our understanding of and support for mental health issues in the industry.

The Society of Authors live streamed our report launch event to their Carers as Writers group and the Society will continue to create awareness, share experiences and continuing a dialogue with their Carers as Writers group.

Carers UK is collaborating with us to make headway in the screen industries which they haven’t worked in before – making lives better for carers working in the screen industry.

Commenting on the report, Katherine Wilson, Head of Employment at Carers UK, said, “Juggling work and care is a tricky balancing act for millions of people in the UK, and for carers in the screen sector – who are often working long or unsociable hours – it can be particularly stressful trying to manage both.  The fact that nearly half of carers working in the screen sector said they don’t refer to themselves as a carer suggests there are thousands of people potentially missing out on support and flexibility that could help them manage their work and caring responsibilities.  Employers have an important role to play in developing a carer-friendly cultures that support the talent within their teams. Carers Week is the perfect opportunity to recognise and celebrate carers, and put them in touch with the practical and financial support they need to care.”

And last, but by no means least! The Writers’ Guild of Great Britain is offering Raising Films the following:

  • Assist with the promotion and dissemination of the report, by highlighting it on the WGGB website, in their e-bulletin and on Twitter.
  • Highlight the report and Raising Films ribbon during discussions with producers, directors and broadcasters.
  • Ensure the needs of writers with caring responsibilities are included in discussions about the terms and working conditions for screenwriters.

Hear from our community about their experiences of caring and working in the film and TV industries

2019-06-13T16:34:16+01:00June, 2019|Our Work|