/Tag: closr

Testimonial: Laura Giles

2018-11-12T12:59:00+00:00March, 2018|Production Stories|

I'm not yet a full-time producer, just an aspiring one who has managed to shift her paid work to around the industry rather than outside it. I stupidly started my film-making and parenting journeys within a couple of years of each other [...]

CLOSR Coaches Confirmed

2018-11-12T12:59:37+00:00April, 2017|Our Work|

We are delighted to confirm the wonderful Pippa Best and Jan Armstrong have come on board as coaches for our CLOSR Development Programme. Pippa has worked in feature film development and as a script consultant for over 20 years. She project [...]

CLOSR Development Programme

2020-04-03T09:26:09+01:00March, 2017|Our Work|

Applications now open for CLOSR Development Programme for Director/Producer/Writer Parents and Carers in the English Regions CLOSR (Closer to Home) is a response to our 2016 Making it Possible survey, which found two consistent barriers for parents and carers looking to [...]