We’ve had a flurry of applications from a range of brilliant organisations, productions and festivals over the past weeks. Full insights and stories to follow but in the meantime, put your hands together for:
THE LAST WORD – family-friendly feature production, produced by Casey Herbert.
TRIM EDITING – addressing the needs of their parent/carer workforce through flexible hours, job-sharing and supporting editors who are parents with family accompaniment on international contracts and projects.
RAINDANCE – festival staff are offered flexibility around childcare and family commitments and the festival to include breakfast networking event for filmmakers with children, parent and baby screenings and a creche space.
US AMONG THE STONES – family-friendly feature production, produced by Thembisa Cochrane (pictured).
THE WONDER WORKS – leading on childcare infrastructure across the film industry through Ofsted approved Early Year’s nurseries in mobile and static form.
“We wouldn’t have existed had our team not come togther after a Raising Films event!”
Mark Radcliffe, The Wonder Works