/Our Work

All About the Money, Money, Money

2015-09-03T05:57:15+01:00September, 2015|Our Work, Production Stories|

Yes, we channelled our inner Barden Bellas for our third tweet-up and asked Twitter to talk cold, hard facts about the price (hash)tag: #FundRaisingFilms. We had filmmaker Paulette Caletti on hand, and tons of questions about how to integrate parenting, filmmaking and [...]

Why We’re Proud to Be EWA

2015-08-24T09:00:52+01:00August, 2015|Our Work|

Raising Films was formed to support all parents and carers working in film – but also because we recognise that, due to both practical issues, and social attitudes, parenting and caring predominantly affect the ability of women to start and sustain [...]

Campaign Launch

2015-07-27T10:41:07+01:00July, 2015|Our Work|

The summer holidays are upon us and the Raising Films family are busy. Busy with kids, busy with films, busy with marking and proposals and budgets all the things that make up our busy lives. Like all parents, we've realised we [...]

Dirty Laundry

2018-11-05T16:20:11+00:00May, 2015|Our Work|

Two deadlines next week. Two children who keep wetting the bed. One partner out of the country for five days and a summons for Jury service to respond to (get out of). No I haven't had time to watch the Milli-Brand interview. Being [...]